ReCryo, founded in January 2024, is dedicated to providing an exclusive opportunity for clients to undergo cryoconservation after legal death. This cutting-edge process preserves all essential cells, with the anticipation that future scientific advancements will enable the revival of individuals. Our mission extends beyond mere preservation – ReCryo envisions a second chance at life for its clients, simultaneously addressing the underlying causes of their demise.

ReCryo brings together a cadre of highly skilled scientists and medical professionals. In 2027, we are set to unveil a cutting-edge cryonics center in Switzerland, featuring spaces for 200 privileged ReCryo clients. These individuals, embracing the belief in the infinite possibilities of science, anticipate the prospect of a second life.

For our discerning clients, ReCryo offers a wide range of complimentary services. Upon agreement, clients are assigned a dedicated personal manager who prioritizes their current health condition. The personal manager acquaints themselves with the client’s lifestyle, dietary habits, and hobbies to provide tailored recommendations for fostering longevity. The ReCryo team conducts regular health data monitoring, offering recommendations for health improvement. Our core mission is to facilitate clients in living a long and healthy life today, leveraging advancements in medicine and scientific knowledge because ReCryo is designed for individuals who truly cherish life. 

Simultaneously, ReCryo’s personal managers maintain open communication with the nearest healthcare clinics and hospitals. They inform these institutions of the client’s proximity and provide instructions on the necessary procedures until the ReCryo team can take charge in the event of a client’s demise. Additionally, ReCryo encourages clients to consistently report their whereabouts during travels, ensuring proactive coordination with healthcare providers.

Recognizing that cryoconservation is a means to an ultimate revival, ReCryo acknowledges the imperative to stimulate greater scientific involvement in the revival process. Presently, there are approximately 1000 cryoconservated individuals globally. However, due to the limited number of cases, scientific consideration of this matter is not as extensive as desired.

In response, ReCryo has established an untouchable investment fund with the primary aim of investing fund assets into financial markets. All gains from this fund are exclusively allocated to scientists dedicated to the revival of cryoconserved individuals. While contributions to this untouchable investment fund are not mandatory, clients who aspire not only to have a chance at revival but also to accelerate scientific progress in revival techniques can contribute without any limits. At ReCryo, we understand that preservation is just the beginning; the true essence lies in actively shaping the future of scientific breakthroughs and the promise of a revitalized life.